FBC Douglas

Greetings From

First Baptist Church of Douglas, Arizona

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Welcome to First Baptist Church of Douglas, located on the southern border town of Douglas, Arizona. Please browse through our site to find the information about our people and our purpose. We hope to see you soon!


Weekly Gatherings

Sunday's at 10:45 AM

700 E 10th Street | Douglas


All guests, including all children, are encouraged to join us in our main service every Sunday. Child specific classes are available every Sunday from 9:30 am to 10:30 am, as well as an optional nursery for babies and young toddlers all morning.

Did you Know This about Heaven?

Have you ever wondered if Heaven was for you? We have written a short booklet explaining that heaven is for everyone. Below are two PDF versions of this document in both English and Spanish. Free printed booklets are also available.


Contact Us

Church Location & Address:

700 E 10th Street, Douglas, Arizona 85607 (map)

Mailing Address: 

P.O. Box 1084, Douglas, Arizona 85608


Office: (520) 702-1153